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HomeSubclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa Paves the Way for Regional Growth and Permanent Residency in AustraliaAustraliaSubclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa Paves the Way for Regional Growth and Permanent Residency in Australia

Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa Paves the Way for Regional Growth and Permanent Residency in Australia

The Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored (Regional) Visa – A pathway designed to address specific regional skill shortages in Australia.

Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored visa allows employers in designated regional areas to sponsor skilled workers from overseas to fill positions the local workforce cannot fill. Regional areas are defined as any area excluding Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Recently, Perth and Gold Coast were classified as regional areas.

The 494 visa superseded, effective November 16, 2019, the 187 (RSMS) visa. 10,000 slots are allotted annually for the 494 visas. Employer sponsorship from a local employer is necessary, and the position must likely exist for five years. It must meet the annual market salary rate (AMSR), have competent English, be 45 years old (certain exemptions apply), and receive Regional Certifying Body (RCB) advice. A satisfactory skills assessment and at least three years of skilled employment are prerequisites for obtaining a visa.

In addition, unless extraordinary circumstances arise, holders of 494 visas will not be eligible to apply for most other skills-based visas in Australia unless they have lived for at least three years in a certain geographical area.

Key Features of 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa

Here are its key features:

  1. Regional Sponsorship: Employers located in designated regional areas of Australia can sponsor skilled workers for this visa subclass.
  2. Occupation List: The visa is only available for occupations listed on the Regional Occupation List (ROL). These occupations are tailored to meet the specific needs of regional areas.
  3. Employer Sponsorship: Employers must obtain approval as a Standard Business Sponsor and nominate the skilled worker for a position in their organization.
  4. Temporary Residence: The visa allows skilled workers and their family members to live and work in Australia temporarily, with the possibility of permanent residency through the Subclass 191 (Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional)) visa pathway after meeting specified criteria.
  5. English Language Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate competent English language proficiency, either through an approved English language test or other specified exemptions.
  6. Work Experience and Skills: Skilled workers must possess relevant work experience and skills matching the nominated occupation.
  7. Regional Stay Requirement: Visa holders are required to live, work, and study in the designated regional areas of Australia for a specified period, as outlined by the visa’s conditions.
  8. Pathway to Permanent Residency: After meeting the requirements, skilled workers may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through the Subclass 191 visa, offering a pathway to settle permanently in Australia.

Understanding these key features is essential for both employers and skilled workers, considering that the 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa is a viable option for addressing regional skill shortages and exploring opportunities in regional Australia.

The Permanent Visa Pathway

To qualify for the permanent visa, applicants must have maintained a Subclass 494 visa for at least three years, adhered to the visa conditions, and satisfied the specified minimum taxable income thresholds. Applicants must demonstrate earnings of at least $70,000 annually for three consecutive years. Additionally, if eligible, applicants’ partners can serve as the primary applicants for the 191 visa, provided they meet these criteria.

In conclusion, the Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa offers a targeted solution to address regional skill shortages in Australia, providing employers and skilled workers opportunities. With its focus on designated regional areas and tailored occupation lists, this visa subclass is crucial in supporting economic growth and development outside major metropolitan hubs. Furthermore, the pathway to permanent residency through the Subclass 191 visa provides a long-term opportunity for skilled workers to settle permanently in Australia, contributing to regional communities’ vibrant diversity and prosperity. By understanding these visa pathways’ key features and requirements, employers and skilled workers can navigate the process effectively and unlock the potential for success in regional Australia.

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