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HomeAustralian Qualifications Framework: Your Pathway to ExcellenceAustraliaAustralian Qualifications Framework: Your Pathway to Excellence

Australian Qualifications Framework: Your Pathway to Excellence

In the field of professional development, recognition pathways are often obscure. Qualifications Australia (QA) offers hope for individuals with rich practical expertise from paid or voluntary work. QA provides a pathway to convert experience and skills into globally recognised credentials or certifications. Qualifications Australia opens doors to better employment chances by bridging the gap between formal credentials and practical experience.

QA qualifications are based on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This blog will discuss the AQF.

Australian Qualifications Framework: What is it?

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the policy that oversees regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system. Initially introduced in 1995, the AQF was designed to offer a fundamental framework for Australia’s national credentials system, encompassing higher education, vocational education and training (VET), and educational institutions. The Department of Education is in charge of its administration, representing the collectively accepted policy of Commonwealth, State, and Territory ministers.

Objectives of the AQF

Facilitating the acquisition of formal qualifications is the key objective of the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Further objectives of the AQF are as follows:

  • Allowing the AQF to be in compliance with multiple international qualification systems.
  • Establishing an avenue for people to advance through instruction and training while receiving recognition for prior knowledge and experiences.
  • Contributes to the national economic performance.

For a deeper dive into the AQF’s objectives, interested readers can explore further here.

AQF Governance

The Australian Government, the Department of Education, and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations oversee the AQF, working with all Australian states and territories. These Departments support the Framework, monitor it, and encourage its application in Australia’s educational system.

Qualifications by the AQF

The AQF provides the following types of qualifications:

  • AQF specification for the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education
  • AQF Level 1 – Certificate I
  • AQF Level 2 – Certificate II
  • AQF Level 3 – Certificate III
  • AQF Level 4 – Certificate IV
  • AQF Level 5 – Diploma
  • AQF Level 6 – Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree
  • AQF Level 7 – Bachelor Degree
  • AQF Level 8 – Bachelor Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma
  • AQF Level 9 – Masters Degree
  • AQF Level 10 – Doctoral Degree

To learn more about each qualification, visit the AQF website or read here.


Qualifications Australia follows the AQF guidelines when granting certificates and qualifications to individuals in accordance with their prior work experience. Professionals in the workplace who possess the necessary skill set and practical experience but lack a formal qualification to support them will greatly benefit from this. Visit the AQF website to know more.

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